The Gold Standard in tactical simulation.
Accuracy Under Fire (AUFIRE) is a realistic training tool that enhances decision-making, return-fire accuracy, and life preservation skills in dynamic force-on-force scenarios.
Supporters & Partners

Current Training Limitations
Premiere police and military segments such as SWAT and the Navy SEALS currently simulate wounds with archaic methods that are not as realistic as training with AUFIRE.
AUFIRE is the only option that prepares trainees for the instant, intense, random, and distracting immobilization of a body part associated with a debilitation wound.
AUFIRE prepares the trainees for the mental challenges associated with being wounded, forcing them to adapt, problem-solve, refocus, and overcome to effectively neutralize the treat. AUFIRE builds confidence, which buys time and allows for more clear thinking.
The Solution
Using Electrical Muscle Stimulation (E-stim), the AUFIRE system will completely incapacitate or lock down specific parts of a trainee’s body, such as inner or outer forearms and biceps.
Instructors can target just one muscle or any combination of muscle groups at the same time. The trainee’s targeted muscle(s) will remain completely incapacitated for as long as the corresponding button(s) on the remote are pushed. When released, the trainee immediately regains full control and normal function of the targeted area.
NEVER USE A.U.FIRE WITH LIVE FIRE AMMUNITION, as arm muscle contractions can cause unintentional trigger finger contractions. Only use A.U.FIRE with training-marking ammunition or airsoft, and always use proper safety equipment.

Jason McGlawn Training Division, Searcy Police Department
“AUFIRE is an amazing tool. AUFIRE provides realism that allows our officers the opportunity to prepare for the worst before it happens. One of our officers learned while using AUFIRE that he could not reach his tourniquet with his off-hand. In a real-life scenario, this could have cost him his life. AUFIRE is an invaluable asset to our department.”
Benjamin Scholl State Mandated Program Coordinator, Hawkeye Community College
"Accuracy Under Fire (AUFIRE) added a critical stress component to our training, significantly improving decision-making and return-fire accuracy under pressure for our officers. This tool sets a high standard for facing the intense mental and physical challenges of real-life combat while engaged in training scenarios."
The Georgia Public Safety Training Center
"The Georgia Public Safety Training Center is committed to providing law enforcement officers with top-tier training. Through realistic scenario-based training, our goal is to ensure the first time an officer experiences a stress-inducing incident occurs in a safe, controlled training environment, instead of on the street where the outcome is rapidly evolving and unpredictable. We will introduce the AUFIRE Training System to provide our students with increased realism by making our scenario-based training more immersive and dynamic. AUFIRE will allow us to take training to a new level of realism, helping us give law enforcement officers every chance at success and survival, a critical part of our mission."